Happy April Fools Day 2019! Yes it is April 1, 2019! The pranks are in full swing at The Mercantile Co. my personal favorite is the colored gelatin in the drink bottle to make it look like tea.
1st of April holds another important title on our calendar. It's the start of our annual countdown to one of the most important days in our calendar Earth Day, April 22.
Today, I have been reflecting on what we as world citizens can do the stop being the fools and start taking our Earth and the environmental impact we have on it more seriously. 49 years ago a group of Americans, from all walks of life and backgrounds, took to the streets on the 1st Earth Day, they demanded our country's acknowledgement of environmental concerns. Later that year in July of 1970 as a bipartisan effort the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts were signed into United States Law. The Earth Day movement has now spread across the world and is officially observed in 192 countries.
Why do we start the countdown on the 1st? Well it takes 21 days to form a habit according to most. We would like to challenge everyone to start a new habit, think about the Earth and what you can do personally to make it a better place. Our current path without change will leave the next generation with an even bigger mess to clean-up.
For the next 21 Days we will be posting about simple ways to reduce your foot print. Ways you can work locally to impact the environment for the next generation. It does not have to be hard, let's be honest it was hard I would not want to do it personally.